What Is a Facelift?
We’re all living longer these days, but it’s hard for our skin to keep up. This is especially true here in California, where we spend lots of time out in the sun. Combine sun damage with declining collagen production, and you’re left with deep creases beside the mouth, hanging jowls, sunken cheeks, loose skin and fat deposits on the neck, and an overall loose, saggy look. A facelift with Dr. Daneshrad can turn back the clock.
Watch Dr. Daneshrad Explain Where Are Incision Lines for a Mini Facelift
Facelift Before & Afters
What Results Can I Expect from a Facelift?

What Areas and Aging Issues Can Benefit From a Facelift?
As the leading facial plastic surgeon for facelifts in Los Angeles, Dr. Daneshrad can expertly help you achieve your dream. These visible signs of aging respond well to his facelift surgery procedure:

Am I an Ideal Candidate for a Facelift?
If you're over 45, you could be an excellent candidate for a facelift with Dr. Daneshrad, especially if you've had significant sun exposure throughout your life. Non-smokers are ideal, as smoking can hinder the healing process. The best candidates still have good skin elasticity despite age-related sagging. To check your skin’s elasticity, pinch it — if it bounces back, you're a good candidate.
It's essential to have realistic expectations. A facelift can make you look 10 to 15 years younger, but can't stop the natural aging process. Your face will continue to age but from a much younger baseline.
What to Expect During a Facelift in Los Angeles
Traditional Facelift
Limited-Incision Facelift (Mini Facelift)
Mid-Face Lift
Neck Lift
Daneshrad Difference
What Are the Possible Risks Of Facelift Surgery?
- Injury to the nerves that control facial muscles (usually temporary)
- Numbness or tingling around the incision areas (temporary)
- Hair loss at the incision sites
- Skin discoloration (rare but can continue for several months)
- Skin healing issues (more common with smokers)
FAQs About Facelifts