What Are Allergy Shots?

What Is Immunotherapy For Allergies?
Am I An Ideal Candidate For Immunotherapy?
The ideal candidate for allergy shots or drops is a patient with quantifiable allergies found during testing who fails to respond to traditional allergy medications, like antihistamine pills and nasal sprays. For example, a patient allergic to ragweed or cats who continues to have symptoms despite taking all of the regular medications is a good candidate for immunotherapy for allergies. In this instance, allergy shots or drops for ragweed and cats would be developed and administered to the patient.

The Benefits Of Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy offers a targeted approach to treating allergies, providing long-term benefits such as:
- Personalized Treatment: Targets specific allergens, reducing the need for non-specific allergy medications.
- Fewer Side Effects: Avoids side effects like drowsiness and increased risk of cataracts associated with medications.
- Improved Immune Response: Trains the immune system to recognize allergens as non-toxic, reducing symptoms over time.
- Long-Term Relief: Provides lasting changes to the immune system, unlike medications that only mask symptoms.
How Are Allergy Shots Administered?
A course of immunotherapy for allergies typically begins with the best allergy doctor in Los Angeles, Dr. Daneshrad, injecting a small quantity of the allergen into your body once a week. As your allergy treatment continues, the doses are slowly increased to help your immune system generate a tolerance to the allergen.
FAQs for Allergy Shots and Immunotherapy