Dr. Daneshrad consulting with female patient in clinical setting

What is digital videostroboscopy?

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Patients who are experiencing voice box issues such as hoarseness will want to be evaluated to determine the cause of the issue. Dr. Payam Daneshrad and his team of professionals are dedicated to helping individuals in finding vocal cord issues that may be impacting their life or career.

What diagnostic tools are used for evaluating the voice and throat?

There are a wide range of diagnostic devices used at Daneshrad Clinic by our board-certified orolaryngologist for evaluating the voice and throat. One of the more common assessments is done with a digital laryngeal videostroboscopy. This is an examination that enables our doctor to evaluate the overall appearance of the vocal cords but the vibratory characteristics of them when making sound.

How does the digital laryngeal videostroboscopy work?

During an evaluation with this device, a special endoscope is placed into the mouth. It will be inserted either through the mouth or the nose, depending on the type used. It has a small camera at the end that then records video of the patient using their voice to check for vocal fold vibration. Any irregularities, abnormal movements, or disorders that may be impacting the area can be diagnosed using this method.

Is there any preparation for this diagnostic testing?

When patients are having a digital laryngeal videostroboscopy performed in our office, we do not have any specific recommendations for preparing for the visit. We do understand that there may be some anxiety due to discomfort of this test, but we offer a decongestant and topical anesthetic to make the test more comfortable for our patients. Patients can often return to work, school, or other activities after their procedure with little interruption to their day, and are able to drive a vehicle following the appointment.

Request a visit with Daneshrad Clinic today to discuss this and other services available in our practice

If you are interested in learning more about diagnostic testing down at the Daneshrad Clinic, we encourage you to book an appointment with our board-certified orolaryngologist, Dr. Payam Daneshrad, by calling our office at (310) 453-6500. We have locations in Torrance and Santa Monica, CA available for our patients.


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