Female wearing sunglasses in the springtime

Treating Skin Cancer

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The sun can cause signs of premature aging (which is bad enough) and, unfortunately, skin cancer on top of that. If you spend a lot of time outside and are planning on being outside a lot this summer, then it’s important to schedule regular skin checks to make sure you don’t have skin cancer developing. If you do have skin cancer, then we can help you get it taken care of. Keep reading to learn more about skin cancer and how we can treat it.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States, though you may not know that. We may think of other types of cancer first, before considering our skin. The three types of skin cancer that are most commonly diagnosed include:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Basal cell carcinoma
  • Melanoma

Thankfully, the non-melanoma skin cancers can generally be treated in an outpatient setting with a simple, straightforward surgery to remove any and all cancerous cells. Because Melanoma is different and more serious, melanoma skin cancer may require multiple treatments, including surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy to fully get rid of the dangerous cells.

Treatment Options

Treatment for skin cancer will vary, depending on the type, size and location of the tumor. Many of the options we recommend involve removal of the entire growth and are usually enough to give you a cancer-free result.

We do recommend keeping an eye on your skin moving forward though. If you have had skin cancer before, you may be more likely to have other spots that need to be removed. Wearing sunscreen and other forms of sun protection, like hats and sunglasses, can help you lower your chances of developing skin cancer. Consider starting a new habit of wearing a hat and sunglasses when you start going outside today.

Regardless if you want to test for skin cancer, or you just want to see the best for your treatment, we’re here to give you the best we can offer. Give us a call at 310.453.6500 to schedule a consultation with us today.

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Daneshrad Clinic ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery

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Daneshrad Clinic ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery

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