Dr. Daneshrad consulting with female patient in clinical setting

Treat Sleep Apnea with a CPAP Machine

Table of Contents

Before treating a patient for sleep apnea at the Daneshrad Clinic, you will undergo a professional sleep study. A sleep study will allow us to see whether or not there's an issue with oxygenation.

If it is determined that you do in fact suffer from sleep apnea, we will first try to treat it with a CPAP machine. CPAP machines allow you to inhale more air while you sleep.

Once you have used a CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnea, you will find that you are finally able to sleep and have more energy throughout the day. As a result, you will have more energy and drive to exercise more that before, which allows you to lose some of the weight that could have contributed to the sleep apnea to begin with.

A CPAP machine may just be the beginning of treatment for sleep apnea. If you can't tolerate a CPAP machine, or if you have other medical conditions that prevent use of a CPAP machine, we will talk about potential surgical treatments for sleep apnea.

To learn more about sleep apnea and available treatment options at the Daneshrad Clinic, call 310-453-6500. We proudly serve patients from Santa Monica, Torrance, Los Angeles and surrounding areas.


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