Otoplasty Santa Monica, CA

Otoplasty for The Ears You’re Hiding

Table of Contents

There are so many things we can become self conscious about when it comes to our bodies, and we may even end up disliking these parts of ourselves that we hide them away from other people. We may hate our curly hair, resent the freckles we got from our grandmother, or even dislike the entire shape of our nose. We can disguise all of these things with straightening products, heavy foundation, or extreme contouring with makeup and a few tutorials.

That’s not all we can hide. Some people find that they are uncomfortable with the shape of their ears, and may even hide them from prying eyes. If you find yourself hiding your ears under long hair or hats, then keep reading. In this day and age, there’s no reason why you should be hiding those ears under your hair, or avoiding wearing sparkly earrings that would just draw attention to you and your ears. Keep reading to learn more about plasticy surgery for the ears and what it can do for you.

What is Otoplasty?

As we age, our ears continue to grow (as does our nose). The cartilage that makes up our ears may grow overly large and elongate, too, sometimes because of heavy earrings. You may have had your ears pierced or stretched, then realized you didn’t like that look any more. The cartilage can only shrink back so much, so you may be left with excess skin that droops and hangs.

Otoplasty is the art of plastic surgery used to repair and correct the look of ears you may not like. It can be used to adjust the shape of the ear, reduce the size of earlobes, or just even adjust the angle of the ears.

Who is a good candidate?

Anyone who is bothered by the shape or size of their ears is a good candidate for otoplasty. If you’re in good health and can undergo surgery, then you are likely a good candidate for this surgery, as well.

Are you interested in learning more about otoplasty? Call us at (310) 453-6500 to schedule a consultation.


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