Woman using nasal drops

How allergy drops can help patients

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When it comes to the treatment of seasonal and environmental allergies, such as allergies to dust mites, ragweed, and grasses, patients have many options available to them. Many individuals with allergies will use over-the-counter medications to manage their symptoms. Others may find that these medications do not provide them with the relief they desire, and may being to seek treatment from a medical professional. At Daneshrad Clinic, our professionals are here to help you select an allergy solution that allows you to feel your best!

What are allergy drops?

One of the simplest and most effective ways to build resistance against allergies, instead of just treating the symptoms, is with allergy drops, sometimes referred to as SLIT. SLIT stands for sublingual immunotherapy. This is a method of gradually building a patient’s resistant to their allergen to help treat it.

How long do sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops take to work?

Most patients who use these drops will find their resistance to the allergy building over the course of several months. However, to get the optimum benefit from treatment, patients may need to evaluate their condition over the course of three years. While this is not an instant solution, it can be used in conjunction with allergy medications to manage symptoms as the body builds its immunity.

Who is a candidates for SLIT drops?

Most patients with allergies who want to combat them for good will want to ask Dr. Payam Daneshrad if they are viable candidates for sublingual immunotherapy drops. During a consultation appointment, patients will learn more about this as well as other options for treatment. This treatment is not available over-the-counter, but can be started with the help of a doctor.

Connect with Dr. Payam Daneshrad today to learn more about allergy drops

If you are considering sublingual immunotherapy as a way to combat your allergies, it is time to connect with a professional. Dr. Payam Daneshrad is a board-certified orolaryngologist in the communities of Torrance and Santa Monica, CA and can provide information regarding this and other allergy relief treatments and products. Contact Daneshrad Clinic today by calling (310) 453-6500 and scheduling a consultation at either location.    

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