Your body is a complex and wonderful machine. This can make it difficult to pinpoint certain problems and conditions without the help of a medical professional. Your stomach uses acids to break down the foods you eat, but there are times when the digestive tract may malfunction. In some instances, patients may experience problems such as acid reflux. Acid reflux is the pushing of stomach acids back up through the throat that can cause belching and heartburn. Commonly known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or “GERD,” this condition can impact patients with a variety of common problems. The symptoms of this condition include:
- Chronic dry cough
- Chronic sore throat
- Sensation of fullness in the throat
- Frequent throat clearing
- Post-nasal drip and increased mucous
- Difficulty or pain swallowing
Who is suspectable to GERD?
Anyone can develop acid reflux symptoms, and they are often associated with certain foods. However, when the condition becomes chronic, it is often diagnosed as GERD and patients will want to work with a doctor to discuss treatment options. Dr. Payam Daneshrad is an ear, nose, and throat professional in the community of Santa Monica and Torrance, California who can provide a definitive diagnosis and discuss possible treatment options with patients.
What are some solutions for treating GERD?
Acid reflex varies in severity, and some patients with the condition may have different symptoms than others. Additionally, a treatment option that works successfully in one patient may not be effective for another. This is why there are a variety of treatment options available to patients with GERD to consider.
Below are just a few of the recommendations for treatment for patients who visit Daneshrad Clinic:
- Over-the-counter acid reflux medications
- Prescription H2 blocks
- Proton-Pump Inhibitor medications
- Lifestyle alterations
- Changes in eating habits
- Eating smaller, more frequent meals
- Losing weight
Interested in solutions for GERD?
Dr. Payam Daneshrad of Santa Monica and Torrance, CA is an ENT and facial plastic surgeon who can offer recommendations for treatment of chronic GERD and reflux issues. If you are located in the area and are ready to call Daneshrad Clinic for assistance, dial (310) 453-6500 to discuss your options.