Dr. Daneshrad consulting with female patient in clinical setting

Colds vs allergies vs sinus infection

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If you woke up this morning with a headache, stuffy nose, and sore throat, you may be unsure as to what condition you are dealing with. Is it a cold? Is it allergies? Is it a sinus infection? Distinguishing between these three common conditions can be difficult, which is where knowledge regarding each can help. Dr. Payam Daneshrad of Daneshrad Clinic encourages patients to consider visiting the practice to better understand what their body is trying to tell them.

  • Sinus infection – sinus infections often cause a sense of fullness and aching in the face and may be accompanied with symptoms such as fever, bad breath, post-nasal drip, nasal discharge, and a headache or uncomfortable pressure when lying down or leaning forward. This condition is triggered by both bacteria and viruses, and may be a side effect of the common cold, allergies, or asthma. Most cases of sinus infection clear on their own, but patients may consider antibiotics if their symptoms last longer than 10 days.
  • Cold – colds are associated with a stuffy or runny nose, and may include a sore throat with coughing, sneezing, and fatigue. Some colds can trigger a fever, but the fever is often mild and not bothersome. Colds are caused by viruses, which need to run their course on their own. If symptom of a cold are lasing longer than 10 days, patients may develop sinusitis and require antibiotics to treat.
  • Allergies – allergies are an allergic reaction to anything in the home or outdoors that the individual might be allergic to. This includes indoor allergies such as pet dander and dust, or outdoor allergies such as ragweed, pollen, or grass. Allergies that occur each season may be managed with allergy medications such as nasal sprays and antihistamines to control congestion and discomfort.

Consider an evaluation at Daneshrad Clinic

If you reside in the areas of Torrance or Santa Monica, CA and are interested in working with a medical professional to determine the cause of your congestion, we welcome you to visit our board-certified otolaryngologist Dr. Payam Daneshrad to discuss your needs. Daneshrad Clinic can be reached by calling (310) 453-6500 to book a consultation with our staff.

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